Dale Butler


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Letter from Bermuda: Pretty in Pink, Only our buildings

In some European countries, gay marriage is legal. In the US, the battle is being fought to allow gay marriage onto the political agenda. Even the most committed foes of gay unions would probably admit that being gay ought not to be a crime.Bermuda is a long way behind the most backward countries in the world in this area of human rights. It only created a Human Rights Commission (HRC) a few years ago, but in our racially-charged environment, it has lately become a black rights commission. The message the HRC has been sending on rights is that if it's black, it's right.

Refco Capital Markets among those ‘named and shamed’ by Bermuda Government

Financial services firm Refco Capital Markets Ltd. is one of four Bermuda-based four that is due to appear in court on September 6 for allegedly failing to comply with a new law aimed at promoting racial equality.It is part of a government policy of "naming and shaming" firms that do not participate in its exercise in racial profiling.