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Spain: Domingo Tarruella Dalmau (New Jersey)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Spain into Domingo Tarruella Dalmau for alleged money laundering.

Spain: Domingo Tarruella Dalmau (Florida)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Spain into Domingo Tarruella Dalmau and others for alleged money laundering.

Spain seeks evidence from Miami-based Intertransfer for money laundering investigation

Article based on an application to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged narcotics trafficking and money laundering - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Spain - that was filed at federal court in the USA on February 3, 2004. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request include Talbor Trading SA, Abalone Investments Inc., Gustavo Duran Bautista, Kuna Business SL, Intertransfer, Inc., and Hudson United Bank.

Spain: Gustavo Duran Bautista

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Spain into Gustavo Duran Bautista for alleged money laundering.