Luis González Macchi

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Latin America Round-Up: October 31, 2004

COSTA RICADisgraceThe head of the Organization of American States, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, was detained and put under house arrest following his resignation just two weeks after starting the job on October 15th. He has been accused of taking a bribe

Latin America Round-Up: August 31, 2004

CHILE: The General's Mysterious Fortune; ECUADOR: Supervising the Bank Trials; EL SALVADOR: The Money Ended Up in the Bankers' Hands; GUATEMALA: Portillo Finds a Job in Mexico; and PARAGUAY: The Paraguayan Quagmire.

Latin America Round-Up: April 30, 2004

ARGENTINA: Menem 'suffering' in exile; Carrousel of bank executives accused; BOLIVIA: Two more bank employees in the dungeon; COLOMBIA: Trust us, we're the Police; PARAGUAY: González Macchi's process grows; Journalists and presidential pressure; and REGIONAL: Latin American presidents: A catalogue of abuse.

Latin America Round-Up: August 31, 2003

ARGENTINA: Circle around Menem narrower; COSTA RICA: Costa Rica becoming popular; ECUADOR: No foreign holidays for Noboa; MEXICO: Pressure mounts over big banks; NICARAGUA: Alemán in prison: PANAMA: Marc Harris' friends in Panama in trouble?; and PARAGUAY: González Macchi ordered to stay put.

Latin America Round-Up: April 30, 2003

Latin America Round-Up: ARGENTINA: Election is no cause for celebration; BOLIVIA: Former manager of the Peasant Development Fund is imprisoned for embezzlement; CHILE: Beleaguered President Lagos barely surviving; COSTA RICA: Authorities seek foreign help in investigating investment schemes known as 'The Brothers' and Ofinter SA; REGIONAL: ChoicePoint information used to arrest illegal immigrants in the USA; MEXICO: Mexico becoming a heroin production center; PARAGUAY: Elections at a difficult time.

Latin America Round-Up: February 28, 2003

ARGENTINA: Still, debate about Menem's feasibility as candidate; BOLIVIA: Big trouble in La Paz; COLOMBIA: Operation against Cali cartel's leader; GUATEMALA: Acquisition to save Banoro; Blacklisted again; NICARAGUA: Centeno Roque brothers sentenced; PARAGUAY: President González Macchi under investigation; and PERU: Montesinos' silence.