Robo Enterprises Inc.

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Court judgment against David Rose energy company

A company operated by David G. Rose, who promotes unregistered oil and gas shares at offshore conferences, has lost a judgment in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.On March 28, 2002, Judge Martin Feldman ruled that Nevada-registered Rose Energy Ltd. had forfeited its interest in an oil, gas and mineral well at Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.

Creditors fight for control of bankrupt firm’s transferred assets

A legal battle is taking place in the United States for control of assets that once belonged to a now bankrupt oil and gas exploration firm whose shares were promoted at offshore conferences. Creditors of Kentucky-based Robo Exploration Inc., formerly known as Robo Enterprises Inc., are investigating whether the transfer of its assets prior to bankruptcy amount to a fraudulent conveyance.

CBS News’ ’48 Hours’ exposes Global Prosperity

A group that has held highly dubious offshore seminars in Bermuda, the Bahamas and other offshore centers was exposed by CBS News' television program '48 Hours' on January 25. The program, which included an interview with OffshoreAlert's publisher, David Marchant, focused on the activities of the Global Prosperity Group, now known as the Institute of Global Prosperity.